1. The current status on Pulse HPA?
ANSWER: The design work is done. Currently there are many PCB projects undergoing the manufacturing process with our PCB factory. (Geek Wave, Geek Source, Power Amp and HPA) We are working closely with them on the schedule of the HPA production. They will begin manufacturing after Geek Wave and Source are done. They will process the Power amp and HPA together.
We're really sorry that the queue is kind of tight now. But we would rather stick with this good quality PCB vendor instead going back to two old ones, both of which we found there is a potential problem with.
2. The current status of Pulse Power Amp?
ANSWER: We finished the design on M200 Mono blocks. And currently the PCBF is done too. We are waiting for two transistors to arrive on first week of Oct. Then we will start the PCB assembly. The next step would be the new chassis integration test.
3. Will there any firmware upgrade for Pulse HPA and Pulse Mono Amp?
ANSWER: Currently these devices are all analog. So we don't need any firmware upgrades!
4. What is the chassis style of Pulse HPA?
ANSWER: It would be similar to the current Pulse Power Amp design.